Call for Abstracts:
The Innovating Higher Education Conference
3 – 5 November 2021, Bari (Italy)
Dear colleagues,
The abstract submission for the I·HE2021 Conference in Bari is open! In this announcement, we would like to share details about this year’s theme and topics, important dates and how to submit your abstract. Looking forward to seeing you all in Bari!

Abstract submission
Just like previous years, you will have the opportunity to submit your abstract for a presentation (15 minutes) or a workshop (45 minutes). To submit your abstract, you can create a login via our conference platform Ex Ordo. Once you created an account, you are able to submit, consult and change your abstract at any time, until the submission deadline on the 21st of May 2021.
The Innovating Higher Education (I·HE) conference focuses on trends and high impact factors in global and European higher education. This year’s theme is: ‘Higher Education in the new normal: the role of online, blended and distance learning’. The COVID-19 crisis has asked many universities to switch to digital education and to re-organize their campus. In surveys of the European Commission, it turned out that in the first (semi-) lockdown period, 95,1% of the universities organized online and distance learning and 82,7% even online exams. All institutions set-up massive support for organizing online lectures, tutorials and videoconferencing with diverse pedagogical approaches. Teaching staff feel this as a disruption, requiring an extreme workload to adapt to the situation. Students started to manifest for the right of having ‘quality education’. Watching a video or following a lesson via zoom is no longer felt as a solution as it was in the first wave. To support high quality, inclusive education, I·HE2021 will bring together experts from the world of online, blended and distance learning who will share their good practices for Higher Education in the ´New Normal´.
Topics for the I·HE2021 conference include:
- Blended and online education
- Diversity & Inclusion in open and online education
- Online Education in the (post-)COVID era
- Micro-credentials for continuous education (Short Learning Programmes and MOOCs)
- European university networks, internationalisation and virtual mobility
- Quality Assurance in Blended and Online Education
- Articial Intelligence in teaching and learning
- Staff Support services in online and distance education
- Short Learning Programmes
- Open education and MOOCs, European MOOC Consortium
- E-assessment
- Qualification of microcredentials, short learning programmes and MOOCs
- Changing the European Educational Landscape
Please visit our website for more information on the scope and topics of the conference.
Important dates
Opening of submission of abstract for presentation | workshop
15 March 2021
Deadline for submission of abstract for presentation | workshop
21 May 2021
Notification of acceptance
11 June 2021
All accepted abstracts can opt for full paper publication under the I·HE2021 proceedings. Submissions will be part of a review and some of the selected papers will be invited to develop a full paper for publication in a special issue.
Conference Registration open
08 June 2021
Deadline for submission of full conference paper
15 October 2021
Online full paper publication
mid November 2021

Questions on organisational matters:
EADTU | Parkweg 27 | 6212 XN Maastricht | The Netherlands
Conference website
Πηγή: ΕΑΠ